Teesside University

Tara: Anglia
The Guardian: 0

Institutul Politehnic Teesside a fost deschis în 1969, devenind Universitatea din Teesside în anul 1992 iar din anul 2009 este cunoscută sub denumirea Teesside University. Tot în anul 2009, universitatea a fost numită“Universitatea Anului” în cadrul The Times Higher Education Awards.
Conform Internaţional Student Barometer din anul 2013, studenţii internaţionali au votat facilităţile universităţii dar şi serviciul de carieră şi consiliere drept “Cel mai bun din Marea Britanie”. De-a lungul timpului, universitatea şi-a creat un renume pentru experienţă deosebită în următoarele domenii: proiectarea jocurilor pe calculator (computer games design), animaţie, mass-media, sport şi educaţie fizică.
Festivalul University’s Animex, este foarte cunoscut în rândul animatorilor profesionişti de la Hollywood şi datorită faptului că universitatea se clasează în top 20 de universităţi din lume în domeniul animaţiei şi al proiectării jocurilor pe calculator. 

Cost cazare: Aproximativ 70 lire/săptămâna.

  • Se oferă studenţilor posibilitatea de a se caza în unităţi închiriate şi administrate de către universitate, asigurându-se un standard ridicat de confort şi siguranţă.
  • Costul pentru cazare este de aproximativ 70 lire/săptămâna.
  • În 2015, universitatea va inaugura în apropierea campusului din Middlesbrough, o unitate proprie de cazare, cu
    apartamente moderne. 

2D Animation and Stop Motion, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Accounting and Finance, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Aerospace Engineering, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Aerospace Engineering with Industry, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Animal Science and Welfare, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Biochemistry, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Biological Sciences, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Biomedical Science, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Broadcast Media Production, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business and Cybersecurity, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business and Data Management, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business and Games Design, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Economics, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Enterprise and Innovation, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Management, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business with Accountancy, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business with Fashion, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business with Marketing, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Chemical Engineering, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Chemistry, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Childhood and Youth Studies, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Civil Engineering, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Civil Engineering with Industry, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Comics and Graphic Novels, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Computer and Digital Forensics, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Computer Animation, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Computer Character Animation, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Computer Games Art, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Computer Games Design, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Computer Science, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Concept Art, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Construction Management, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Counselling, FdA (Licenta)

Creative Writing, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Crime and Investigation, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Criminology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Criminology and Sociology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Criminology with Law, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Criminology with Psychology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Criminology with Youth Studies, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Early Childhood Studies, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Education and Training, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Education Studies, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industry, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

English and Creative Writing, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

English Studies, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Environmental Science, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Events Management,* BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fashion Buying and Merchandising, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fashion Communication and Promotion, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Film and Television Production, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fine Art, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Food and Nutrition, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Food Science and Engineering , BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Forensic Psychology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Forensic Science, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Geography, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Geology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Graphic Design and Illustration, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Graphic Design with Marketing, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Graphic Design with Marketing, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Health Informatics, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Health Sciences, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Health Sciences, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

History, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Human Biology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Human Resource Management, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Information Technology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Instrumentation and Control Engineering, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Instrumentation and Control Engineering with Industry, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Interior Architecture and Design, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

International Business, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

International Business, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Journalism, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Law, LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Law with Business Management, LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Law with Policing, LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice, LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice, LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice, LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Management Practice, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Marketing, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Mathematics, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Mathematics with Data Analytics, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Mathematics with Economics, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Mechanical Engineering, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Mechanical Engineering with Industry, BEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Media and Communications, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Midwifery, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Music Technology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Nursing Studies (Adult), BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Nursing Studies (Child), BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Nursing Studies (Learning Disabilities), BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Nursing Studies (Mental Health), BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Occupational Therapy, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Pharmaceutical Science, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Photography, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Physiotherapy, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Politics, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Product Design , BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Project Management, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Psychology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Psychology and Counselling, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Psychology with Clinical Psychology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Psychology with Criminology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Social Work, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Sociology, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Software Engineering,* BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting), BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (School Nursing), BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Sport and Exercise Science, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Sport Journalism, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Sports Marketing and Management, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Technical Game Development, BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Tourism Management, BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Visual Effects, BA (Hons) (Licenta)


Tipul studiu: Licenta

Cost / an: 0 EURO

Durata: 3 ani

Bursa: NU

Interviu: NU

Portofoliu: NU

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