De Montfort University

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De Montfort University (DMU) is a dynamic institution with a long and vibrant history of improving people’s lives through education.

Originally founded as the Leicester School of Art in 1870, the university has evolved through many incarnations including the Leicester Colleges of Art and Technology and Leicester Polytechnic. Our reputation for quality and distinctiveness in teaching and research is a direct result of our heritage. Many modern DMU courses have their roots in the late 19th century and early 20th century, when the School of Art and Leicester Technical School began training apprentices for local industries such as boot and shoe manufacture, furniture making and design, hosiery and textiles manufacture, engineering, printing and book binding.            

Employability                                                                                                           With an emphasis on employability and many courses professionally accredited, DMU has a strong record of graduate achievement.
DMU graduates’ prospects are well above the national average, with more than 95 per cent of summer 2015 graduates now in work or further study, according to the annual Destination of Leavers in Higher Education report.

Cost cazare:


Accounting and Business Management BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Accounting and Economics BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Accounting BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Advertising and Marketing Communications BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Aeronautical Engineering BEng/MEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Animation BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Architectural Technology BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Architecture BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Artistic Makeup and Special Effects (Licenta)

Artistic Makeup and Special Effects (Licenta)

Arts and Festivals Management BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Audio and Recording Technology BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Broadcast Journalism BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Building Surveying BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Administration and Management BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business and Management BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business and Marketing BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Information Systems BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Law LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Management and Economics BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Management and Finance BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Management and Finance BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Management and Human Resource Management BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Business Management and Law BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Communication Arts BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Computer Science BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Computing BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Computing for Business BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Concept and Comic Art BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Contour Fashion (Communication) BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Creative Music Technology BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Creative Writing BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Criminology BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Criminology with Psychology BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Dance BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Design Crafts BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Diagnostic Radiography BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Digital Forensics BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Digital Music Technology BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Digital Technology Innovation BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

District Nursing BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Drama BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Economics and Finance BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Economics and International Relations BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Economics and Politics BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Economics BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Education Studies with Psychology BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Licenta)

Energy Engineering BEng/MEng (Hons) (Licenta)

English and Creative Writing BA (Hons) (Licenta)

English Language and English Literature BA (Hons) (Licenta)

English Language with French, Mandarin or Spanish BA (Hons) (Licenta)

English Language with Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) BA (Hons) (Licenta)

English Literature (Joint Honours) BA (Hons) (Licenta)

English Literature BA (Hons) (Licenta)

English Literature with French, Mandarin or Spanish BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fashion Buying with Design BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fashion Buying with Marketing BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fashion Buying with Merchandising BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fashion Buying with Product Development BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fashion Communication and Styling BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fashion Design BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fashion Textile Design BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Film Studies BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Fine Art BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Footwear Design BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Forensic Road Collision Investigation (Licenta)

Forensic Science BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Game Art BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Games Production BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Graphic Design (Illustration) BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Graphic Design BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Health and Wellbeing in Society BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Heritage Interior Design BA (Hons) Online (Licenta)

History BA (Hons) (Licenta)

History with French, Mandarin or Spanish BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Human Resource Management BA (Hons)panish BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Information and Communication Technology BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

International Business BA (Hons) (Licenta)

International Finance and Business BA (Hons) (Licenta)

International Marketing and Business BA (Hons) (Licenta)

International Marketing and Business with Languages BA (Hons) (Licenta)

International Relations BA (Hons) (Licenta)

International Relations with Languages BA (Licenta)

Internet of Things BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Law and Criminal Justice LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Law and Economics BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Law LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Law, Human Rights and Social Justice LLB (Hons) (Licenta)

Learning Beyond Registration Professional (Licenta)

Marketing BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Mathematics BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Mechanical Engineering BEng/MEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Mechatronics BEng/MEng (Hons) (Licenta)

Media and Communication BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Media and Communication with Modern Languages BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Media Production BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Medical Science BMedSci (Hons) (Licenta)

Midwifery Pre-Registration Midwifery BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Motorsport Engineering BSc (Hons) Online (Licenta)

Music Technology BASc (Licenta)

Music, Technology and Performance BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Nursing with Registration (Adult) BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Nursing with Registration (Child) BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Nursing with Registration (Learning Disability) BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Nursing with Registration (Mental Health) BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Nutrition BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Paramedicine BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Performing Arts BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Pharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Photography and Video BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Politics BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Practice Nursing BSc (Licenta)

Product and Furniture Design BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Professional Studies in Forensic Road Collision Investigation (Licenta)

Psychology BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Psychology with Education Studies BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Psychology with Health and Wellbeing in Society BSc Hons Degree (Licenta)

Public Administration and Management BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Quantity Surveying and Construction BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Social Work BA (Hons) (Licenta)

Software Engineering BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Specialist Community Public Health Nursing with NMC Registration BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Speech and Language Therapy BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Visual Effects BSc (Hons) (Licenta)

Youth Work and Community Development BA (Hons) (Licenta)


Tipul studiu: Licenta

Cost / an: 0 EURO

Durata: 3 ani

Bursa: NU

Interviu: NU

Portofoliu: NU

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